Superfoods, new food supplements that work to improve cognitive function, and nutricosmetics and beauty care from the inside add up to solutions to improve bone mobility and joints.

Increasingly, people are developing a greater awareness of the importance of caring for the body to maintain good health. The new trends in 2023 indicate this since new needs are appearing. NutraResearch’s research and development department investigates and develops new formulations to give them an agile response.
This is how new food supplements have appeared that act to improve cognitive function, as well as the so-called superfoods, which are shakes that gather all the necessary and healthier nutrients to be taken at once. These join two other trends that continue to grow more and more: nutricosmetics or beauty care from the inside (beauty within) and that of bone mobility and joints. NutraResearch’s director of development and innovation, Albert Sala, explains it to us in greater detail.
Regarding the proper functioning of cognitive health, food supplements that act to combat stress and improve the quality of sleep continue to set trends, and to these are now also added those that are used to improve memory and concentration. “Bacopa monnieri is a very favorable nutraceutical substance for memory. When we get older we lose those nutrients necessary for cognitive function, and some supplements can help to maintain and recover them in adequate proportions, so that cognitive deterioration is delayed”, explains Doctor Sala.
At the same time, caring of beauty from within is gaining more and more ground. The appearance of hair, skin and nails are a clear reflection of the state of our body. That is why although a topical cream acts on the outer layer, food supplements provide nutrients from the inside to ensure a balance that is later reflected on the outside. “Taking them orally also helps to reduce wrinkles, to have smooth skin, healthy hair and good nails,” says the head of R&D at NutraResearch. Likewise, “at a point where people are already taking care of their diet, the concern is not so much in losing weight but in modeling, that is, in reaffirming the tissues.” In all these solutions, “collagen is the basis of supplements that combine plant extracts, vitamins and amino acids,” he adds.
Everything indicates that nutricosmetics are here to stay, and its range of action is expanding more and more: it also includes the purification of the body and the elimination of harmful substances. This is how solutions are appearing that respond to these new trends, such as the so-called superfoods. These are food supplements or shakes taken by people who perform intermittent fasting, those who are athletes or who want to ensure a contribution of all healthy nutrients at once. They include antioxidants, detoxifiers and a large number of nutrients that contribute to maintaining optimal global functionality. They act holistically on all areas of the body: the digestive, renal, muscular, vascular, and hepatic systems… “On a base of chlorella and spirulina we add more than 50 ingredients. It is a supplement with a very complex formulation, since all the substances must be under balance”, details the Director of Research and Development of NutraResearch.
At the same time, the demand for food supplements aimed at improving bone mobility, reducing joint inflammation and combating osteoporosis continues to grow. NutraResearch develops a large number of solid and liquid solutions, in which collagen is supplemented with nutrients, plant extracts and specific amino acids for each of these ailments.
The application of pharmaceutical technology in the development of all these supplements ensures optimal absorption of all their properties and that the active principle acts specifically in the area of the body where it must perform its function. The design of these solutions also takes into account that they can be taken very easily.
NutraResearch anticipates to respond to new demand
“NutraResearch has the supplements that respond to these trends because we anticipate what will to come ahead of time, and in advance we research and develop new solutions with the necessary new ingredients that they require”, says Dr. Sala. This is how this month of January NutraResearch has already launched up to three new proposals that respond to these new trends, to which many others will be added in the coming months.