Female leadership is one of the aspects that the NutraResearch Group not only promotes, but also exemplifies it through a completely equal steering committee headed by the CEO, Gemma Casadevall, and the Financial and People Director, Imma Pulido.
Precisely, Pulido was in charge this Wednesday of leading a session organized by the Masnou City Council in the municipality’s Business Center which, under the title Feminine talent and leadership, highlighted the importance of women also assuming the role of to be at the forefront, which historically has been relegated to them.
Pulido, with a law degree, has many years of experience as a financial director, and has also founded a financial consultancy and an entrepreneurship network based on technological innovation and education. Taking advantage of her valuable experiences in her extensive professional career, during the day she highlighted the values that women bring and the challenges they must overcome to occupy their rightful place. She had an impact on all of this at the round table moderated by Pulido, and in which women entrepreneurs and businesswomen such as Eli Abad, co-founding partner of the technology consultancy Between; Gemma Voltas, financial advisor and lifestyle facilitator; and Montse Pera, co-owner and creative director of Manufacturas Arpe.
Pulido also introduced the celebration of a practical workshop on How to end the impostor syndrome, taught by Kalidoscopia and the psychologist and coach Claudia Calderón, in which keys were given to escape from this psychological phenomenon that affects many women and that consists of in continually doubting one’s own professional potential.
The session began with the opening of Jaume Oliveras, the mayor of Masnou, after which Pulido gave way to the first of the interventions, that of the young feminist activists Marta Cillán and Sara Giménez, who fight for equal rights for the LGBT collective. through his profile @Devermut on the Instagram social network. The lack of female role models in leadership positions, the importance of diversity in work teams and the need for men to become aware of these situations were some of the issues that were brought to the table during their speech.
Other key issues that arose during the conference were the importance of having seniors in organizations and mentoring the younger generations, achieving a diversity that brings great wealth to organizations, an aspect that the NutraResearch Group has very much in mind in its policy. of people, hiring young recent graduates, and also seniors who bring seniority and experience.