Gemma Casadevall Pujals, PhD. and CEO at Nutraresearch and Albert Sala Llinares, PhD. And R&D Director of R&D sign the document based on challenges faced by healthy natural products.

The journal El Farmacéutico, a Spanish specialized reference media in the sector, has published an article by the scientific team of experts from NutraResearch on food supplements and the challenges faced by healthy natural products; In the light of the exponential increase in demand that is happening in the past years. Gemma CasadevallPujals, PhD. and CEO at Nutraresearch; and Albert Sala Llinares, PhD.and R&D director, sign the document, which clarifies and quantifies this increase in demand, also shows which are the highly requested natural products and for which conditions they can be useful.
The article also reveals the impact of the pandemic on the market for food supplements, and how Covid-19 has influenced consumer behavior. Always with the focus on market needs and trends, NutraResearch team of experts enlighten what the consumer is looking for and which are the expectations with this category of products. The rapid evolution of this industry has come hand by hand with a significant change in consumer expectations regarding food supplements.
This is the field and core business carried out by NutraResearch team, which works on formulation development of food supplements in pursuit of maximizingefficacy. The article details the areaswith the biggest challenges and the innovation that is now trending in the field, which goes through both: expandingconvenience and easiness of daily dosage and alsomaximizing its efficacy.