Yesterday we enjoyed a very interesting discussion at FarmaForum on nutraceutical market trends, in which NutraResearch’s R&D director, Albert Sala, placed special emphasis on innovation in the world of food supplements.

Sala explained how pharmaceutical technology has a lot to contribute to the food supplements industry, as NutraResearch is already putting into practice, which develops highly innovative solutions for the sector, such as the “release on demand” of the product, that is, that the active ingredient is released in the place and moment required and during the necessary time.
Likewise, we analyze among all the members of the table, representatives of the most recognized firms, the market situation and the export of food supplements. We also discussed how legislation influenced innovation, which sometimes makes it difficult to carry out new proposals in this industry.
It was a most interesting conversation, moderated by José Ángel Marañón, executive vice president of Grupo Tdichem, in the event that has been the most attended by the public, in the Agroforum room, of FarmaForum.